Neck For Total Physical Fitness
An average human head weighs approximately 4.5 - 5 kilos or 10-11 lbs. That’s usually more than 5% of the total body weight. Unlike the rest of the body that can benefit from large muscles for supporting weight, the neck works with muscles much smaller. Neck muscles flex and contract to adjust the movement of the head throughout your life - day and night, and have some of the top endurance muscles in your body. Think about that for a second. Can you ignore it?Why Neck Massage Is Beneficial For Overall Fitness
Our modern-day lifestyle demands heavy neck-work. We’re constantly looking down checking cell phones, then up and shooting selfies, sustained long hours of forward head positioning while using laptops and computers. Ignored neck health can lead to complications and poor health, not to mention the possibility of having to wear collars to support your neck. None of this is desirable and we can largely prevent them with some simple neck exercises and regular massage.Neck Massagers: Total Neck Massage In 5 Minutes
Neck massage is underrated in modern life. Treat yourself to regular neck massage and you’ll reap the benefits for life. The good news is that these days you don’t even have to go to a chiro, therapist, or masseur for an expensive neck massage. You can avail one of numerous good neck massagers available in retail stores and online. Just make sure it’s from a reputed manufacturer.For most, an at-home gun massager like Vortix Melo Massager is the best solution. It comes with interchangeable heads but mostly you’ll need one, or two at most for the neck and shoulders. The best thing about the handheld gun massager is that after a thorough neck massage, you can flow down to your arms, hands, and further down and apply it on your thighs, calves, and feet - all in a single flow. This helps relax your muscles and improve your blood flow within. It’s both relaxing and invigorating.
Benefits Of Regular Neck Massage
It doesn’t take long before you discover the benefits of a regular neck massage. You’ll just know your neck feels better. But let’s look at the benefits of an at-home neck massage.- Helps recover muscle soreness: Massaging with a gun neck massager on the neck encourages blood flow that can help reduce inflammation.
- Can reduce migraines and headaches: Massaging is a great side-effect-free alternative to help reduce migraines. Studies have found that migraine patients experienced a drastic reduction in headaches with regular neck and shoulder massage.
- Helps boost immune system: There are strong medical research-based claims that a regular neck massage can boost our immune system and detox our body. A neck massage increases the activity of white blood cells that can help our body get better at fighting diseases.
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